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宣布时辰:2020-08-03    文章来历://aqygyl.com/    










特别须要注重的是在最初的Stage of review,今朝信息提取前都能够或许停止注册,因此前三项的挑选对注册不影响,但Data extraction必须挑选Not started,不然没法实现注册,同时由于偏倚危险评价和数据阐发是在信息提取以后停止的,从时辰逻辑下去讲也必须挑选Not started,即便你挑选其余项也会进入注册流程,可是不合适规范的有能够或许会被退回。
固然网站撑持在线填写,可是激烈倡议大师在注册前在Word中将所需名目均填写实现再复制到网站停止注册,这也是Have you written a protocol?挑选是和否都能够或许的缘由。



填写实现后点击register your review便可进入注册页面填写研讨打算,首要信息以下(咱们将连系PRISMA报告规范停止实例解读,此中*代表必填项):
1. Review Title(*): 以PICOS构建标题标题题目,同时连系PRISMA报告规范,需标明meta-analysis/systematic review等信息
  1. A systematic review and meta-analysis of rehabilitation in patients with sepsis(表现PI)
  1. A network meta-analysis of interventions to control myopia progression in children(表现PO)
  2. Minocycline in depressive symptoms: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials(表现PIS)
2. Original language title: 原始标题标题题目,若体系评价不是打算用英文撰写,应在此名目下用撰写体系评价的说话填写标题标题题目
3. Anticipated or actual start date(*) 预期/现实起头时辰
4. Anticipated completion date (*) 预期实现时辰
5. Stage of review at time of this submission (*) 注册时该研讨实现的进度(首要便是咱们方才停止的挑选,不能停止变动,因此在挑选时牢记挑选数据提取之前
6. Named contact (*)   通信作者姓名
7.Named contact E-mail(*)  通信邮箱
8. Named contact address  接洽地点
9.Named contact number  接洽德律风
10.Organizational affiliation of the review(*)体系评价展开的单元
11. Review team members and their organizational affiliations(*)  评价小组成员和各自的单元
12. Funding sources/Sponsors(*)  帮助来历
13.Conflicts of interests(*)  有不好处抵触
14.Collaborators 协作者
15. Review question(*) 体系评价拟处理的标题标题题目,限定250词。
  1. 干涉干与性meta阐发:The aim of this meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of adjunctive minocycline for depressive symptoms regardless of the main psychiatric condition.
  2. Whether could IgA nephropathy patients benefit from omega-3 fatty acids treatment? How do the kidney function and daily proteinuria of IgA nephropathy patients change after taking omega-3 fatty acids comparing with placebos?
  3. 率的meta阐发:What is the prevalence of neuropathic pain in patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis?
也能够或许自问自答:What are the effects of the various optical, pharmacological and lifestyle interventions in preventing myopia progression in children? We aim to generate a clinically useful summary of the interventions based on their efficacy.
16.Searches(*)   申明检索体例和检索数据库,申明检索日期和检索限定
  1. We will search, with no time restrictions, the following databases for relevant English language literature: PubMed (MEDLINE), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) and Web of Science.The search string will be built as follows: 可替代(Osteoarthritis OR OA) AND (pain) AND (neuropathic OR nociceptive OR central sensitization OR DN4 OR painDETECT OR S-LANSS OR quantitative sensory testing). The electronic database search will be supplemented by a manual search of the reference lists of included articles.
  2. We will search articles in three electronic database including PubMed, EMBASE and Cochrane Library. All the English publications until 30 April 2018 will be searched without any restriction of countries or article type. Reference list of all selected articles will independently screened to identify additional studies left out in the initial search.
Do NOT enter the full search strategy (it may be provided as a link or attachment.) 
17. URL to search strategy 给出检索战略细节的网址,或你的检索体例的链接
18. Condition or domain being studied(*) 对研讨的疾病,安康终局或卫生范畴停止扼要申明,限200字
  1. Supracondylar humeral fracture(SCHF) is the extremely common pediatric fracture in children younger than 15 years, accounting for approximately 75% of all pediatric elbow injuries. It has been suggested that 96% of all SCHFs are extension-type injuries that occur during falls onto the outstretched hand, whereas between 1% and 2% occur through falls onto the olecranon with the elbow flexed. Supracondylar fractures, most commonly, are classified according to Gartland ’s criteria: types I (nondisplaced and stable), type II (hinged fractures with the posterior cortex intact), and type III (completely displaced).
  2. Depression in adults, and its treatment using cognitive remediation therapy.Cognitive remediation therapy is the general term for a kind of psychotherapy which focuses on correcting and changing patients' adaptations to benign cognition. Its main goal is the remediation of bad cognition, but the patient's emotions and the behavior can also be changed.
19. Participants/population(*) 给出明白的体系评价的研讨工具的归入和解除规范
首要描写P,如Adults with depression (as diagnosed by a clinician, or using any recognized diagnostic criteria) will be included. 
20. Interventions /exposure(*) 给出清楚的体系评价中的干涉干与和裸露的界说
Physical exercise was the main intervention (e.g. aerobic exercise, resistance exercise and multicomponent exercise program).
21. Comparators/control(*) 具体申明将与检查的主题停止比拟的备选计划(如一项干涉干与或非裸露对比组)。
22. Types of study to be included (*) 归入的研讨范例
普通环境下咱们归入随机对比实验,则能够或许表述为Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) will be included.这一局部也能够或许对颁发时辰、说话范例等做限定如Randomized clinical trials will be included irrespective of blinding, publication status or language.,但不倡议对P或I做更多的描写
23. Context 对有助于归入和解除规范的特点信息停止论述,可不填
24. Main outcomes(*) 体系评价的首要终局
简单写一下称号,如overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS).或某个量表的变更如mean change in WOMAC pain,须要连系本身的研讨停止判定
     Measures of effect(*) 终局目标的效应量
描写终局目标的效应量,如二分类变量挑选RR/OR, 持续性变量挑选SMD/MD, 保存阐发材料选HR
25. Additional outcomes(*) 研讨相干的其余成果
26. Data extraction (*)  挑选研讨和归入研讨的数据材料的提取
普通有模版,先表现两人自力提取,第三人处理不合如Two authors will independently extract data. Any disagreement will be resolved by discussion until consensus is reached or by consulting a third author.同时最好加上须要提取哪些信息,如The following data will be extracted: author, year of publication, country where the study was conducted, study period, original inclusion criteria, total number of people included in the study, doses of progesterone and time of application, and mean cervical length.
27. Risk of bias(quality) assessment (*)   对体系评价能够或许存在的偏倚危险停止评价